Mobile menu doesnt' work correctly

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    Hello! A week ago I’ve noticed that mobile menu doesn’t work like it should. Earlier there were three lines and thanks to that it was obvious that it’s a hidden menu. Now there’s only one line and it works when someone clicks it, but it doesn’t look like hamburger menu.

    My blog is

    Could you help me with that? I would be very grateful!

    Have a nice day,


    Hi Paulina,

    I hope you are doing well!

    I’ve seen the similar problem on the WP forum. There were several suggestions:

    1. Clear you website’s cache with WP Super Cache or similar
    2. If the first suggestion doesn’t work, deactivate your active plugins and check which one could cause the problem
    3. If 1 and 2 don’t work, try another theme for your blog

    You can type in Google “Mobile dropdown menu not working” and there will be this topic, you can read it by yourself as well.

    All the best,
    Deborah Beams

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by nirav.

    Hello Paulina!

    Hope you are doing well!

    We have resolved this issue in the latest version of theme, so just update your theme to latest version.

    Hope this helps!

    Have a great weekend ahead!

    Team ProDesigns

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