
A beginner's guide to making a WordPress website using a ready-made theme

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Nov 14,2019

Everybody around you is making a site any way you don't have the foggiest thought about how to create one. How sad is that!

In any case, not an issue anymore, you have gone to a suitable spot. In this post, we will discuss how to make a site using WordPress. This is an authoritative WordPress instructional exercise for students, which will tell a little bit at a time procedure the best way to produce a specialist WordPress site.

Everything considered, there are different ways to deal with gather a site anyway we picked WordPress over the different site stages open. You ought to inquire as to why WordPress. Excelling WordPress is as hard as climbing Everest. In order to make your WordPress website more intuitive, you need to keep yourself updated with all the latest WordPress Web development trends.

Next, the eCommerce power of WordPress 'WooCommerce' is undisputedly engaging. It offers an essential yet earth-shattering eCommerce response for customers of any level of particular data. Building an online store was never a more straightforward WordPress WooCommerce. Additionally, vast arrangement possible results with an immense number of best eCommerce WordPress themes and modules, SEO features, and sponsorship from the significant world system are first-class qualities you'll bounce on WordPress.

That isn't all. WordPress has two flavors: WordPress.com and WordPress.org. The unique complexity between these two phases is encouraging; for instance, WordPress.com is a promising site building stage, while WordPress.org is a self-encouraged stage. WordPress.com is one of the fundamental website specialists offering all of the things required for a webpage at one spot. On the other hand, WordPress.org is the spot you can get the WordPress CMS programming, which you ought to download and present alone encouraging. Scrutinize dynamically about the differentiation here: WordPress.com Vs WordPress.org.

Everything considered, WordPress.com, as a website specialist has various right conditions while there are in like manner multiple obstacles as for circumstance, versatility, structure possible results, etc. WordPress.org offers you the open door as much as you need as for encouraging, structure, customization, modules, etc. Along these lines, this post is connected to making a site using WordPress as CMS programming, for instance, WordPress.org.

At a Glance: How to Build a WordPress Website

  1. Get a Domain Name
  2. Get WordPress Hosting
  3. Installing WordPress
  4. WordPress Dashboard
  5. Best eCommerce WordPress Theme
  6. WordPress Plugins
  7. WordPress Security
  8. WordPress SEO
  9. WordPress Support
  10. Website Analytics
  1. Get a Domain Name:

    As an issue of first significance, you ought to get a territory name for your site. Space name is the online character of your business, for instance, the name of your website in direct terms. In that capacity, it is your webpage address or the URL which customers type on the web program's area bar to visit your website.

    Picking a zone name is a mindful task. Coming up next are a segment of the things you ought to consider while making/picking a territory name:

    1. Keep it direct and short: Create a territory name that is essential, short, and easy to scrutinize, remember. It improves the chance of customers forming your site address viably on the program.
    2. Suitable for your site content: Make sure that your space name is pertinent to the substance you are going to put on the site. Besides, you can moreover recollect watchwords for the space name if it sounds extraordinary. If you have a website that provides services related to the find lawyer, then the name must be according to that so the user can find it easy to remember and understand it.
    3. Pick a legitimate space extension: Domain expansion is the postfix, for instance, .com, .net, .association, .eduetc. Which is incorporated close to the completion of web addresses? They have express significance, for instance, comfort business, an association for Organizations, and .net for orchestrate. These three developments are the most used expansions which you can use as indicated by the possibility of your site, regardless, .com is always enjoyed.
    • How to get a domain name?

    There are a couple of domain name providers online from where you can buy a territory name. By far, most of the region name providers have a space name search device where you can type the name you need, and it checks the availability of the zone name. GoDaddy, NameCheap, etc. are some of the popular domain name providers that will guide you in choosing the right domain for your business.

    get a domain name

    • Step by step guide to get a domain in WordPress

    There are basically four ways to add a custom domain to your site:

    1. Register your domain name through WordPress.com
      • Your new domain will automatically be combined with your website or blog.
      • Renewal for the domain name can be managed with the help of your WordPress account.
    2. Transfer an existing domain name to WordPress.com
      • If you have a domain that is already registered from another provider but planning to move your domain name to WordPress.com.
      • After the successful completion of transferring a domain, you can later manage renewals for your domain name right from your WordPress account.
    3. Map a domain that you already have to your WordPress.com
      • If you already have a domain registered from another provider and want to use it in your WordPress.com to host your website without shifting the registration.
      • You will continue to pay your existing domain registrar for the renewal of the domain name, and WordPress.com for hosting and domain mapping.
    4. Mapping of Domain to your WordPress.com website
      • If you wish to create a sub-address on your domain without affecting the content on your website.
  2. Get WordPress Hosting

    Next, you have to find the best WordPress encouraging organization which suits your needs. There are a couple of web encouraging associations offering different sorts of WordPress supportive plans. Coming up next are the kinds of WordPress encouraging plans you should consider:

    • Shared Hosting: Cheapest supportive plan. With shared encouraging, various destinations share a comparative IP address and resources of the server, including the memory, hard plate space, and the transmission limit. (Bosses: Budget-obliging game plan. Cons: Limited space, exchanged off-speed and security)

    • VPS (Virtual Private Server): With the VPS plan, you will be given a particular piece of server resources. You will grant a server to various VPS customers, yet there'll limited customers, not a similar number of as in the shared course of action. (Stars: Secure, Option to get more server resources at whatever point your business creates. Cons: Expensive for autonomous organizations and youngsters.)

      virtual private server

    • Submitted Hosting: unrestrained arrangement. All the server resources are given to a lone customer. (Stars: Full storing, move speed, and full control over the server resources, progressively secure. Cons: Not a monetarily adroit arrangement for little associations.)

    • Supervised WordPress Hosting: Managed WordPress encouraging is encouraging cum WordPress the board course of action, which gives a bit of the essential WordPress mechanical assemblies. There would be many hosting service providers across the glob. It is a kind of submitted helping unequivocal to WordPress arrange. (Experts: WordPress-centered encouraging. Cons: Quite expensive for the little and creating associations.

  3. Installing WordPress:

    The ensuing stage is to offer the WordPress programming on your encouraging server.

    Presenting WordPress is a significant development that used to require careful thought and some specific data on the customer's part. Regardless, no more – that is one all the more exciting news! Bit by bit guidelines to acquaint WordPress – tended with by encouraging associations.

    All the renowned WordPress is encouraging associations to offer 1-click WordPress foundation with the objective that you can get the latest interpretation of WordPress presented in just minutes.

    install wordpress

    If you have gotten together with SiteGround encouraging, you'll get Siteground Wizard for WordPress foundation. To get WordPress pre-presented on your SiteGround promising, you ought to get to your customer locale first.

    Here is the way to seek after:

    • Login to your SiteGround Hosting customer zone because a popup will appear 'Welcome to our Website Setup Wizard!'

    • Directly, check 'Get WordPress pre-installed on this record' and snap-on 'Proceed.'

      website setup

    • Next, you'll see the game plan page where you ought to enter login information (email, username, and mystery key) for your WordPress backend. By then, pick a point from the open Woocommerce Compatible WordPress Themes. Moreover, click on 'Submit.' You are set! By and by, you can check the as of late presented WordPress application.

  4. WordPress Dashboard:

    WordPress Dashboard is the backend of your WordPress website from where you can get to your site page's substance and re-try the webpage. You will see the WordPress dashboard after you log in to your WordPress website with the customer nuances that you set during the WordPress plan. WP Dashboard is essential and straightforward, which includes significant other options. The image underneath is the screen catch of how your WordPress dashboard looks to start.

    wordpress dashboard

  5. Responsive eCommerce WordPress themes

    WordPress setup mainly depends upon the WordPress points and designs. A Free WordPress eCommerce Theme gives the general perspective and structure of your WordPress site close by various adjusting options and functionalities. It works as the skin of your WordPress site. Official WordPress website describes a Free eCommerce Wp Theme as 'a collection of reports that work together to convey a graphical interface with a shrouded restricting together a structure for a weblog.'

    ecommerce wordpress theme

  6. WordPress Plugins

    WordPress modules are staggering instruments for adding and loosening up convenience to WordPress. Official WordPress Codex communicates that WordPress Plugins offer custom limits and features with the objective that each customer can tailor their site to their specific needs. WordPress modules let you add additional convenience to your WordPress site. They are particularly valuable as you can incorporate the features not given in the Best WordPress eCommerce Theme.

    wordpress plugins
  7. WordPress Security

    Site security is an essential thing site owners can't stand to dismiss. As WordPress is used a growing number of customers, so are the WordPress security risks appearing. Along these lines, it is fundamental to manage the security parts of a WordPress site. There are some essential things you can do to shield your WordPress site from security ambushes. You should sustain the login page, director page to shield from the monster control ambushes. Likewise, using the WordPress points and modules from the affirmed and reliable sources keeps your site clean and spam-free.

    wordpress security
  8. WordPress SEO

    WordPress arranges the most SEO welcoming stage that has a changed SEO-improved structure. Therefore 'Site improvement' is a touch of breathing space in case you pick WordPress as your site organized.

    The most basic, WordPress, organizes an ability to direct on-page SEO so well that it empowers your website to rank better on web crawler result pages. You can streamline the permalinks, title marks and headings, pictures, and other media adequately. To propel the permalinks: Go to Settings > Permalinks > Set Post name.

    Also, WordPress is a responsive and versatile genial stage. Responsiveness is one of the must-have remembers for each WordPress eCommerce theme, similarly associated with the WordPress.org Best WordPress Themes For Selling Products standard principles. Google and other web search instruments love versatile overhauled locales.

    Next, site speed is one of the most substantial situating factors. A website with improved webpage speed is like this SEO progressed as web lists love fast destinations. To make your WordPress site snappy, there are various sorts of speed headway modules like holding modules. You can use modules like WP Super Cache and Autoptimize to improve WordPress speed.

    wordpress SEO

    At the start blogging stage, WordPress offers a single interface for building a productive online blog and business. In case you can make a quality substance, WordPress is truly a heavenly thing in the first place.

  9. WordPress Support

    WordPress is a free open source programming which has now remarkable in the overall system. Like this, you can get a considerable number of bewildering WordPress resources, instructional activities, and documentation on the web. In like manner, there are countless WordPress master dynamic on WordPress social order exchanges disentangling issues and giving WordPress support. Go to WordPress.org Support Page.

    wordpress support 

    Next, you can get support from methods from the WordPress thing to express experts. In case you have any Best WordPress Themes For Selling Products related issue, you should advise the Woocommerce Wordpress Themes association and Plugin Company for module related issues. Besides, there are things unequivocal system exchanges available and over which most by far of the WordPress associations give submitted customer care.

  10. Site Analytics

    Last yet not least, a site assessment is a massive task for a site owner. In the wake of putting such a broad sum effort on making a site, you also need to know how your website is performing. Site assessment gives you the plausibility of the site traffic, site content, site change, and that is just a glimpse of something more substantial.

    •  Anyway, how to get a WordPress site assessment?

      In particular, you can use the WordPress module Jetpack.

      site analytics

      It gives you a complete site assessment, including step by step traffic, the site sees, visitors, likes, and comments. Moreover, you can, without a doubt, consolidate Google Analytics to your WordPress site to get a site assessment.


It doesn't matter if you are having an eCommerce website or any website if it is not user-friendly and attractive, you might lose a lot of potential customers. The design for any website acts as a face to the company. Hence, it is necessary to make it interactive and responsive. Interestingly, all these things are now possible Woocommerce WordPress Themes. As it is readily available, it saves a lot of time, money, and other resources that are needed in making a website.

Nidhi Dave

Nidhi is working as a content and brand strategist at ProDesigns - a graphic design company, recommending strategies to meet customers’ goals and deliver a superior user experience. She provides content leadership, ensuring that a consistent brand message is delivered to the audience.